Thursday30 January 2025

The Abilkhan Kasteev Museum of Arts will celebrate its 90th anniversary.

Today, the museum's collection boasts over 26,000 artworks that showcase the rich cultural and historical heritage of Kazakhstan.
Музей искусств Абылхана Кастеева отпразднует 90-летний юбилей.

In 2025, the State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Abylkhan Kasteev will celebrate a significant milestone – its 90th anniversary, as reported by

According to MKI, the museum's collection currently comprises over 26,000 works of art that reflect the entire spectrum of Kazakhstan's cultural and historical heritage. It houses pieces of painting, graphics, and sculpture, including genuine masterpieces that are part of Kazakhstan's artistic gold fund.

A substantial section showcases the decorative and applied arts of Kazakhstan – a national source of spirituality and tradition that has persisted from ancient times to the present day.

An extensive program has been prepared for the museum's 90th anniversary, highlighting its rich history and the multifaceted nature of its activities.

A key event will be the opening of a new hall titled “Contemporary Art of Kazakhstan,” featuring works by the country's leading artists.

“The museum will also revisit its roots by presenting a retrospective photo exhibition. Unique archival documents and photographs will be showcased to visitors. Special attention will be given to scientific, fund, exhibition, and tour activities starting from 1935. In addition, photographs of numerous exhibition projects and large-scale events that continue to this day will be displayed. This will narrate the history, formation, and development of the museum and its collection from its inception to the present day,” the agency noted.

Another exhibition will honor the anniversary of artists who have made their mark in the history of Kazakhstan's visual arts.

A significant part of the anniversary program will be the publication of a two-volume catalog titled “Contemporary Decorative and Applied Art of Kazakhstan.”

The catalog will cover items made from metal, ceramics, textiles, and other materials created from 1938 to the 2020s.

The exhibition “Revived Masterpieces” will present around 100 restored works, accompanied by documentation detailing the restoration process and photographs of the pieces “before” and “after.”

Restorers from the older generation, who have dedicated significant effort and skill to giving numerous works their exhibition appearance, will be invited to the exhibition.

The anniversary year will also be marked by several large international exhibitions, which will strengthen Kazakhstan's cultural dialogue with the world.

The most important project of the year is expected to be the traveling exhibition of works by Abylkhan Kasteev from the museum's collection at the State Tretyakov Gallery. Unique works of graphics and watercolor by the master will be presented – a retrospective exhibition of 50 works reflecting all stages of the artist's creative development and introducing him to the Russian audience.

The international project dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Ural Tansykbaev, organized by the Uzbekistan Cultural Development Fund, will unite collections from leading museums in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

More than 50 works will be showcased at the international exhibition of the National Museum of China: original Chinese paintings, sculptures, compositional materials, watercolors, gouache, and lacquer paintings.

A traditional event of the year will be the “Kasteev Readings” — an annual international scientific and practical conference that brings together art and museum researchers.