A video featuring a car that appears to be a civilian model, lacking any identifying marks, was shared on the Telegram channel Qumash. However, as noted in the post accompanying the video, this method is now being used for covert patrolling in the capital, capturing all traffic violations.
The press service of the Astana Police Department confirmed that a project for covert road patrols is being implemented in the capital.
"A new pilot project for covert patrolling is being introduced on the capital's roads, aimed at enhancing road safety. The primary goal of the project is to prevent accidents and improve safety levels on the roads by timely identification of violations. This will help reduce the number of traffic accidents, enhance driver discipline, and prevent violations that pose a threat to all road users," the police stated.
As part of the pilot project, vehicles are equipped with automatic violation detection systems. According to the police, such systems are already operational in test mode on two ambulances, one public transport bus, and one unmarked service vehicle from the police department.
"Covert patrolling aims not only to document already committed violations but also to prevent new ones. Thus, the awareness that a violator could be detected at any moment encourages drivers, including those prone to reckless driving, to adhere to traffic rules," the department added.
Previously, we reported that in Astana, five police crews equipped with the new Ekin Patrol G2 complex are patrolling the streets. This system is designed to record speed limit violations in areas without stationary violation detection cameras.
In November of last year, it was reported that in the Zhetysu region, due to an increase in traffic accidents and a complicated accident situation on the roads, three unmarked service vehicles appeared.
These vehicles, designated for covert patrolling, monitor compliance with traffic rules and document violations using the modern photo-video recording complex "Kordon." The "Kordon" system automatically records various traffic violations, including speeding, crossing into oncoming traffic, and ignoring road signs and markings.
In the East Kazakhstan region, a new method has been adopted to detect violators on the highways. Police have started testing the "Cyber-Sheriff" device, which provides the necessary functionality for video recording and measuring vehicle speed.
Earlier this year, we reported that in the Kostanay region, a new approach to ensuring road safety was implemented, resulting in the identification of about 4,000 traffic violations through covert patrols.
An unmarked vehicle is also conducting covert patrols in the Karaganda region. Mobile complexes in the area have recorded 40,000 violations, with over 90% of the "happy letters" already paid. Notably, by 2025, the number of such complexes is expected to increase.