According to the official Telegram channel of the court, the Tazher City Court reviewed a civil case involving a man's claim against a woman for the recovery of property from illegal possession.
The young man demanded the return of his Apple iPhone 15 PRO MAX. The claim was based on the fact that he purchased the smartphone on credit.
"After some time, after getting to know the woman, the plaintiff lent her his phone temporarily because her phone was not working," - the court clarified.
The woman did not acknowledge the claim.
"She explained that the mobile phone was given to her by the plaintiff as they were in a friendly relationship. Furthermore, she stated that she was using the mobile phone because she works as a mobile photographer and needs it," - the court noted.
According to Article 260 of the Civil Code, an owner has the right to reclaim their property from illegal possession.
The court established that the man's ownership of the mobile phone and its value, amounting to 530,000 tenge, is confirmed by the warranty certificate.
After examining the materials and evidence, the court granted the claim, reclaiming the property from illegal possession. The decision has already come into legal force.
It was previously reported that a resident of Karaganda gifted her acquaintance a shaving set, which included a razor and blades, but ended up facing legal issues because of it. The woman was suspected of theft.
Meanwhile, a resident of Astana was detained on suspicion of stealing three iPhones worth a total of 1.5 million tenge from a store warehouse, which he allegedly later gifted to his relatives. The suspect worked as a courier for an online electronics store.