Thursday30 January 2025

Kazakhstan's public servants are learning from the USA how to manage natural disasters effectively.

At the initiative of the ADGS, civil servants responsible for emergency management have enhanced their qualifications, reports
Госслужащие Казахстана обучаются у США методам управления природными катастрофами.

The Agency for Civil Service Affairs places great emphasis on enhancing the competencies of civil servants as part of implementing the Address by the Head of State to the people of Kazakhstan titled "Just Kazakhstan: Law and Order, Economic Growth, Public Optimism."

To exchange best practices in human resource management within the civil service, collaboration with international partners is being established.

Last year, during a visit to the USA, a meeting took place between the Chairman of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs, Darkhan Jazykbay, and the Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Rob Shriver. The parties signed a memorandum of understanding and agreed on the importance of enhancing human potential in the civil service.

Based on this agreement, a three-day online training course for civil servants and emergency response workers on the topic of "Leadership in Crisis Management" commenced on January 20.

Professors from the Federal Executive Institute, who implement training programs for leaders of various U.S. agencies, were invited as lecturers.

From the Kazakh side, 57 civil servants participated in the training, including the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and heads of departments responsible for managing natural resource protection.

This audience was selected due to natural emergencies that have occurred in the country over the past few years and the extensive experience of the USA in managing such situations. The training will include interactive discussions with participants based on case studies of emergency situations in both the USA and Kazakhstan.