For many people, alcohol is an essential part of celebrations. It quickly absorbs into the bloodstream through the digestive organs, then begins to slow down brain function. As a result, a person who has been drinking starts to lose control, moves awkwardly, and struggles to articulate words.
Some individuals get drunk quickly, while others need to consume a significant amount of alcohol to feel the effects. In an intoxicated state, a person may do many foolish things, so it's beneficial to know how to drink while remaining coherent. Fortunately, there are several methods to protect yourself from severe intoxication.
Snack While Drinking
If you want to enjoy alcohol while staying clear-headed, don't forget to have snacks. Food slows down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, allowing the body to cope better with the intake and avoid drunkenness.
Fatty foods, such as cheese or nuts, and protein-rich snacks like meat and eggs are considered the best options. Starchy foods can also be a great choice, as they create a sort of barrier in the stomach that slows alcohol absorption.
However, it's wise to avoid overly salty foods like chips and smoked meats. They can cause thirst and lead you to reach for your drink more often than you'd like.
Dilute Your Alcohol
Diluting alcohol is an old but effective method that allows you to enjoy drinks without feeling intoxicated.
When you add water, ice, or non-alcoholic beverages to your alcoholic drink, you reduce the alcohol concentration. For example, whiskey with water or cocktails with plenty of juice lets you savor the enjoyment throughout the evening without overloading your body with alcohol.
This method was known to the ancient Greeks, who valued moderation in life. A diluted drink can be sipped slowly, keeping you within a safe limit. This helps maintain mental clarity and avoid unpleasant consequences the next morning.
Drink Slowly
To avoid rapid intoxication, don't rush your drinks. Enjoy your beverage in small sips, stretching out the pleasure. For instance, you can sip a glass of wine over an entire hour—this way, you can appreciate the flavor without putting too much strain on your body.
Using smaller glasses or shot glasses can help control the amount you consume, preventing you from accidentally overindulging. It's important to remember that quick consumption can lead to serious consequences. A man can reach intoxication after consuming five servings of alcohol in two hours, while a woman only needs four. Therefore, the slower you drink, the better your chances of staying sober and coherent.
Drink More Water
To avoid getting drunk quickly, chase each glass of alcohol with a glass of water. This simple yet effective method helps maintain sobriety. Water slows down the intoxication process, prevents dehydration, and helps alleviate hangover symptoms the next morning.
It's best to choose still water, as it does not enhance the effects of alcohol. However, be cautious with carbonated water, as it can accelerate intoxication.
Avoid Mixing Alcohols
To stay coherent, it's advisable to pick one type of drink and stick with it throughout the evening. This will help you better monitor the amount you consume. The myth that mixing different types of alcohol speeds up intoxication is not entirely true. It's important to note that each drink has its own rate of impact on the body.
Typically, people start with lighter alcoholic beverages and then switch to stronger ones without changing their consumption pace. As a result, the body doesn’t have time to adapt to the intake, and intoxication occurs more quickly. To avoid this, it’s better to stick to one type of alcohol—this makes it easier to manage your sobriety.