Now, you can register for theoretical and practical exams at specialized public service centers only through the "CОН" app. This was announced by the National Accumulation Agency of the Government for Citizens, as reported by
This innovation has been implemented for the convenience of citizens and aims to eliminate corruption risks, explained the state corporation.
To ensure security, all users of the "CОН" mobile application undergo two-factor authentication: first, biometric identification, followed by confirmation of identity via an SMS code sent from the number 1414. After that, the driver candidate needs to navigate to the "Register for Theory Exam" or "Register for Practical Exam" tab. Subsequently, the service recipient will receive another SMS message. It is worth noting that the SMS will be sent to the active
phone number registered in the Mobile Citizens Database.
To register for the exam through the "CОН" app, it is necessary to first contact a specialized public service center to submit an application and obtain an application number.
This service will notify users about exam times and possible changes in the schedule, significantly enhancing the convenience and timeliness of receiving information, as noted by the Government for Citizens.
Previously, exam registration was conducted through the website; now this function on the site will be disabled to provide expanded capabilities through the "CОН" app. However, the website will continue to operate, allowing users to view the live broadcast of the exam process online.
Additionally, the app also allows users to book a visit to the CОН, obtain an electronic queue ticket, find the location of the desired public service center, and familiarize themselves with current issues.
The "CОН" app is available for download on Google Play and the App Store.